Sunday, May 18, 2008

Our First Real Meal

Tonight the girls had their first "real" meal of macaroni and cheese, carrots and peaches tonight. All finger foods that they ate completely by themselves! I should have had the camera ready. The first thing they did was put their first hand straight into the food and make a funny face. Although they have eaten many fingers foods before they didn't seem to know what to do. The main thing seemed to be the wetness of the peaches. H2 could barely stand it! Once they finally figured out what to do they were eating machines.


Katrina said...

Awww it is bittersweet when they start eating themselves. I loved it cause then they could finally eat with us!!! Instead of me trying to feed and eat or feed then we eat LOL! All though I didn't have twins but you know......

mrs.izzy said...

Isn't it great just to watch them eat! But then there's the messy clean up afterwards, though.

Anonymous said...

Hooray! That's such a huge milestone! I remember life getting so much easier when my girls were finally able to feed themselves. Congratulations!

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