Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Horrible Terrible Troublesome Threes

Most parents have moments where their kids really test them. Mine have been testing me a lot lately. I'll be honest, for awhile there I thought I'd been lucky to escape the "terrible twos" and that I had such wonderful, good eating, good sleeping infants. Little did I know that they were just saving it all up for when they turned three. Their ears don't work 99% of the time, they no longer sleep through the night, they tried to disassemble their beds so many times they are now sleeping on their mattresses on the floor (maybe they'll be engineers?!?) and destroy nearly everything they put their hands on. I say a little prayer each morning for guidance and patience but it is difficult at times.

"This too shall pass. This too shall pass!"

1 comment:

BritneyMarie said...

Are you sure Em/Liv and Hannah/Hailey aren't the same children? 'Cause you seem to be describing our household as well!

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