Saturday, November 17, 2007

Long Time No See...

Well, I finally got the computer back up and running again. I'm no computer genius so it took me awhile to get everything back from the black hole that is the "Microsoft blue screen of death".

So, a little update on eating solids. The girls have eaten rice cereal, oatmeal, applesauce, bannanas, pears, and green beans. H1 prefers the applesauce (no H1 Bannana jokes for her, thank you), rice, and green beans and H2 likes the bannanas, pears, and oatmeal. Even thought I say they prefer one over the other they still both ate everything in a feverish pace. These girls are in no way, shape, or form picky eaters which is great! Next week we've decided to start the sweet potatoes for Thanksgiving. I am so excited.

The weather has finally started to feel a bit more like fall lately. It's sad whenever your less than a week away from Thanksgiving and your still wearing shorts and tank tops. Well, this sudden coolness let me bring out the girls "cold clothes". I am happy to finally be able to put them in their pants and long sleeves. They are always so hot...especially H1. Put socks on her and her cheeks turn red as apples. (I've gotten a lot of "put some socks on those babies...their freezing" from strangers. But I know their fine...they always stay super hot.) We even had to bust out the caps the other day and boy were those girls cute!

H1 (left) and H2 (right)
We loved our caps! We tried to grab them off each others head.

Our cousin Steph got us our worms. We were playing with that one that was S's (Steph's oldest daughter) when she was a baby when we went down to visit and we absolutely loved it. I asked Steph where she got theirs and she said that she would get them one. Tes brought them up with her whenever she came back from her visit. I'm going to wrap them up for Christmas but I am going to let them play with them now. They won't'll just be another fun thing to rip open.

We love our worms so much!

H1 was smiling so big while she was playing and I surpised H2 with the photo because she was too busy playing to realize I was in the room still!

Hannah (left) and Hailey (right)


Stephanie said...

SO CUTE!!! I love their little caps! :-)

Anonymous said...

They are adoreable!

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