Friday, June 17, 2011

Lessons in Life - Not Swimming

I had went onto Craigslist to find someone to give the girls swimming lessons. I had this whole picture in my head of having a professional come and and really make more progress with the girls than a regular group lesson would. I found a post I really liked and contacted the women. We exchanged nearly 18(!) emails including cost, place, what was involved and schedule. We really had the whole works down and I'd even Facebook stalked her to see what she looked like. I was really proud of myself!

That was until we showed up at the pool and sat for fifteen minutes. After that time I just figured she was running late or got lost so we put on our suits and just swam around and played. Thirty minutes went by and still nothing. No email, no phone call, no instructor. I thought perhaps she got lost or was stuck in traffic. I'm the type of person to always be positive. When the forty five minute mark rolled around I started to get annoyed. The girls were getting agitated, as was I, and they couldn't wrap their four year old mind around why their teacher wasn't there and why she probably wasn't coming. At the one hour mark I was mad. I couldn't believe after the two weeks of emails that she would show us up! The girls were very upset and were literally crying because they thought that she wasn't coming due to some reason of their own.

When I got home I hoped on the computer and sent her an email to see what happened. I didn't think I would hear back from her at all and in a way I wish I hadn't. She responded the following day to let me know that I had not communicated the location well enough for her and she was unable to try to find it. That's right folks; she didn't even attempt to locate the exact address I sent her twice including directions from a major intersection. Then, to top the cake, she tells me that she can still teach them but she was going to have to cancel the next days lesson because something came up.

She got a strongly worded, but polite, email from me letting her know that because she was obviously too busy to teach my children I would find someone who could.

1 comment:

BritneyMarie said...

Good for you on your strongly worded polite letter. That's a lot nicer than I would have been. Hope the lessons today go well for them.

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