Friday, June 27, 2008

Icky Day

The girls were doing so well for the past few days until yesterday afternoon. I don't know what happened but they started acting worse than they did when their infections first started. They were crying up storm and extremely clingy. I think that on top of their ear infections they are both also teething. Great huh?!? We were all relieved when Ryan got home from work last night. An extra set of hands to cuddle and someone to talk to about what was going on. I've been keeping their antibiotics and pain medication in them and hoping for the best. They have still been very fussy today though H1 is definitely seeming to start feeling better and actually playing with her toys. H2 on the other hand is just as sick as she was the other day. She played for about thirty minutes and then it was as though someone flipped on her "I'm sick switch" and she came screaming across the living room for me.

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

Awww man! I'm so sorry. I hope those girls get to feeling better SOON!!

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