Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Play Date

Our play date was so much fun today. Ms. Liz and Sophia weren't able to make it so it was just us, Ms. Lauren, and Asher. We sat under a nice shade tree for a bit and let the kids crawl around and play. H1 really likes Asher, they are always paling around. H2 on the other hand is Little Miss Independent. She could care less who else is around as long as she has something to occupy her time. Asher introduced the girls to leaves and dirt. Their little finger nails are all dirty now but they loved it. As Ryan says "dirt don't hurt!"

After playing "on" the blankets for awhile we decided to walk over to where the baby swings were. The girls had never been in the swings and I was nervous to see how they'd do. I knew H2 would probably love them since she is a little daredevil but I was skeptical about how H1 would like it. I had H1 in the carrier and I put H2 into the swing and gave her a tiny swing. As first there was no reaction and then, bam, it was like a light went off inside of her. She started to smile so big and then proceeded to laugh hysterically. She loved it! I swear I'd never seen her so happy. Asher is a veteran as this swinging stuff so he was flying through the breeze in no time, all smiles! I slowed H2 down, which she was not a big fan of, and scooted her forwards to put H1 in with her. I figured that H1 would feel safer with her security blanket/sister with her. The first push went the same with H1. First, no reaction, then, a huge smile. She wasn't quite as excited about it as H2 and although she did enjoy herself she was quickly ready to get out. H2 on the other hand was a pixie hair away from having a meltdown when I went to take her out. Luckily, she chose to be happy! We are most definitely going to have to go swinging more often now.




And a special thanks to Lauren for the pictures of the girls in the swings and while they were playing on the blankets.


BritneyMarie said...

Why was Hannah so sad? That little tear is so adorable.

Those pictures turned out great.

Sheena/H2Mommy said...

She has a blocked tear duct so she almost always had a little tear under her eye. It will fix itself as she gets older.

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